
My #100happydays ~ Day 93

We live and learn. We suddenly understand something  we've understood all our life, in a new way. No success is attained by mere chance, we have to work with ardor and with an appreciative heart. Though another man's learning may be valuable lessons for us, it is our own wisdom that will get us through adversities. The sound of knowledge knows no boundaries. It is much the same as saying that there is no limit to learning. And it’s not just learning that’s important. It’s learning what to do with what you learn and learning why you learn things that matters..★*¨*•.¸¸ ★ 06172014

My #100happydays ~ Day 92

I love people who make me laugh.  I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh.  It cures a multitude of ills.  It's probably the most important thing in a person.~Hepburn In most times when I'm so thankful, I smile out loud, and try as I might, I couldn't break that spirit. If a rainbow or flower in bloom ever cast a sound, comparatively, maybe, that's how I sound when I laugh...*¨*•.¸¸ 06162014

My #100happydays ~ Day 91a

When you thought I wasn’t looking, you hung my first painting on the refrigerator and I wanted to paint another. When you thought I wasn’t looking, you fed a stray cat and I thought it was good to be kind to animals. When you thought I wasn’t looking you baked a birthday cake just for Nanay and I knew that simple things were special things. When you thought I wasn’t looking you said a prayer and I believed there was a God that I could always talk to. When you thought I wasn’t looking you kissed me good-night and I felt loved. When you thought I wasn’t looking I saw tears come from your eyes and I learned that sometimes things hurt— but that it’s alright to cry. When you thought I wasn’t looking you smiled and it made me realize life's beauty. When you thought I wasn’t looking you cared and I wanted to be everything I could be. When you thought I wasn’t looking— I looked, and wanted to say thanks for all those things you did, when you thought I wasn’t looking.*¨ 06152014 #coelhobl

My #100happydays ~ Day 91b

Blessed are my creatures-- for in his eyes,  he sees their pains and feels them like they do, he sees their sacrifices and bears them like his own, he sees their dreams and gives encouragement to what they do, he sees their triumphs and rejoices in all that they've accomplished, he sees their worth and takes pride in them, he sees their love and offers much more... Anyone can be a father, but it takes a real man to be a worthy one..*¨*•.¸¸ 06152014

My #100happydays ~ Day 90

Simple joys are brought about by having someone to love, something to do,  and something to hope for-- fill the pauses with humor and surround everything with constant prayers. One can never be halted by misery when in the heart, Life's beauty still remains. Live. Laugh. Love.☼ 06142014

My #100happydays ~ Day 89

When we maintain a conscious connection with Gratitude,  our presence will naturally radiate a certain warmth  and undisturbed, inner tranquility. The heart speaks clearly of the things it knows, trivial as they may seem to be, yet in introspection, so dearly that they resonate the bliss of knowing love is always there.¨♡*•. 06132014

My #100happydays ~ Day 88

We all feel an undeniable bond with the land where we were born.  Patriotism is a thing difficult to put into words.  It is neither precisely an emotion nor an opinion,  nor a mandate, but a state of mind -- a reflection of our own personal sense of worth, and respect for our roots. Not merely love, not merely pride. It is a commitment to what is best inside us all.★☆★ 06122014