Super Thank You :-)))

Wrote this as my sort of a grateful take when I celebrated my natal day in 2011. And it will hold true in my heart for every year of my life...<3

For the sun that smiles at me on a clear day,
For the sound of nature that instantly calms my soul,
For the cool breeze that soothes any ache,
For the moonlight that shines on a cloudless night,
For the sheets of rainfall that make me want to run out and get drenched…

For my bloodies who knew me all throughout,
Who knew me as they see or hear me,
Who knew me then and now,
Through my childhood and beyond, it’s my pride to have sprouted from the same roots…

For my best friend and twin soul who have made it to my present,
I can never counter my heart when even after the mazes we’ve gone through,
We’ve been brought directly into each other’s roads—not to block our ways
But to journey together towards the same direction,
While having each of our own stop-overs along the way— the one we call “ME” time,
To let us appreciate our worth as individuals…

For my creatures who are bits and pieces of me,
Rolled into their own unique characters,
How blessed am I to be chosen to give them their existence,
And for finding in each of them a ton of reasons why my heart never run out of smiles…

For the friends I’ve welcomed in my life, revisited and renewed,
Nurtured and deepened my relationships with,
My soul sisters and brothers that I treasure, sans blood ties,
Easing up to my transparent nature in reckless abandon,
Never ceasing to be bored by my sense of humor (read: jologs),
Slightly “kikay” fits and my innate sweetness (read: kabaduyan).
For hearing out my thoughts and feelings as important as I feel them,
Being the allies that I long for and the critics whose opinions I value…
For the persons in different areas of my paths,
Be it via common friends, workmates, schoolmates,
Hometown populace, extended families, here and over the globe,
New and renewed “getting-to-know-you (again)”,
Not discounting on the possibilities of true, lasting friendships.

For the tears of pain and heartaches that I’ve shed,
I’m glad that tears of joy encompasses them all.
For the words and actions directed at me that nearly crushed my heart,
Never did I regret having to take it all,without retaliation,
Giving all the benefit of the doubt, and understanding that we are only human…
I believe in the circle of destiny and who we become by the choices we make.
I somehow hope to give back only those that made me feel good about life,
To pass it forward just by living mine…beautifully…


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