My #100happydays ~ Day 57

Family dine-out smiley experiences:
=> The ever-ready & strategy-wise Chowking-Manaoag store team, where the food orders were served fast & perfect at an early morn--no trace of dissatisfaction on the faces of every customer in their full-packed store. 
=> The efficient & smiling parking attendant of Good Taste-Baguio, who readily informed us that the resto is filled to the brim and would wait a lot longer than usual. He even suggested that we might want to consider other food establishments so that our family could eat right away since 'twas past lunchtime.
=> Found a table at a bestseller eatery (Chia's) and had a full meal w/ dessert at way below our regular family meal budget. ♥•*¨*•.¸¸05122014


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