My #100happydays ~ Day 100

and the 100th! kiki emoticon

"We live in times when super-busy schedules 
have become something to boast about. 
While the speed of life increases, 
there is less and less time to enjoy the moment that you are in.
The ability to appreciate the moment, the environment
and yourself in it, is the base for the bridge
towards long term happiness of any human being."

an experiment...
a project...
a challenge...
a daily dose of joy...
viral happiness....
and it's more than what I thought it was
when I took the challenge on day one...

To focus on choosing happiness,
as I live and survive each day.
And when I start to be thankful to the Divine,
I can never stop, for there was the realization
of the gazillion things to be grateful for.
I seem to have developed that imaginary filter within me
to be unmindful of the wastes that might weigh me down
and continue learning the skill to find positive perspectives.

I love this "wasted time" in social media,
for not only capturing a glance from the netizens
and somehow, bring an inspiration or another,
but more so, I know, happiness will always have time in my life. kiki emoticon •*¨*•.¸06242014


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