What is meant to be will always find its way...

“In a universe of ambiguity, this kind of certainty comes only once, and never again, no matter how many lifetimes you live.” ~RJW

The sun, 
it did shine, 
the moment our paths met.. even though it was cloudy.. even if the rain came in torrents.. and I remember, 
that it was a starless and moonless night..
Funny and amazing..
is it fate or His will?
Miles apart 
and yet to see each other's eyes, we exchanged laughters; shared stories about life,
love and current, past, and even future events..
In that phase of living 
when all seemed to be in shambles; varied confusing questions 
far from being answered; and the world was like 
a mere matter void of emotions..
Enduring any circumstance, 
reaching across any distance.. From then and always, 
we continued to live, laugh and love...heart emoticon •*¨*•.¸¸ 


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