My #100thankfuldays ~ Day 46

She's a mystery. 
Within her there's that blank, cozy space that can be 
filled with my hopes and dreams. 
She was there for me when everyone else was busy.
She witnessed my childhood which was something pretty special indeed.
She has a past. A mouthless face. A boyfriend. A twin sister. And everything.
She symbolizes everything I dreamt
the world should be as a young girl--
bright and happy and perfect,
and perhaps that is why the public has clung to her so fiercely.
For me, she's not just about cuteness, really.
In her, it's not about judging or seeing things how we want to see them.
That instead of shunning something because everyone else loves it,
we must make an effort to see past that,
and learn to appreciate it for ourselves, for our own reasons.*♡*☆•*♡*



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